Massage for Anxiety and Depression


17% of New Zealanders, (703,000) tangata, are currently diagnosed with depression in Aotearoa. (Manatu Hauora, NZ Health Survey 2021).

Along with medication, talk therapies, traditional and natural healing modalities, there are many other ways we can help manage depression and anxiety.  Regular exercise, hikoikoi (walking), yoga, pilates, sports, getting lots of sunlight and fresh air, spending time in the ngāhere (bush) and/or at the tātahi (beach or riverside), keeping connected with whānau and friends are all important in improving and maintaining our well-being.  There is also another tool that is not often mentioned in literature around how we can help alleviate anxiety and depression.  Did you know that massage is also recommended for these conditions and can really help with stress, depression and anxiety?

“One of the immediate benefits of massage is a feeling of deep relaxation and calm.  This occurs because massage prompts the release of endorphins – the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of well-being.  Levels of stress hormones, such as adrenaline, cortisol and noropinephrine are also reduced.” (Better Health Channel)

“Positive changes have been noted in biochemistry following massage therapy, including reduced cortisol and increased serotonin and dopamine,  Many condition were positively affected by massage therapy including depression and depression related conditions, pain syndromes, autoimmune and immune chronic illnesses, and stress conditions.” (Field et al 2005).


Benefits of Massage Include:

  • Reduced muscle tension

  • Improved circulation

  • Improved recovery of soft tissue injuries

  • Strengthened immune response

  • Better quality of sleep

  • Decreased joint inflammation

  • Reduction in Stress

  • Decreased Anxiety

  • Improved mood

  • Relaxation

  • More energy

  • Increased feelings of wellness


“Massage is significantly associated with alleviated depressive symptoms.” (Hou, et al 2010).


To book a treatment with Jo (wāhine only) click below to book online or call Jo 027 206 8883

              “Create harmony in the body and the body will heal itself

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